Month: October 2021

Categories Travel

Getting Your Recreational Therapy Degree

Getting a recreational therapy degree can be a very rewarding career in healthcare.

One of the fastest growing parts of the job scenario is increasing employment in rehabilitation and similar jobs, such as to meet the needs of qualified employees.

Recreational therapy is a profession with constant patient contact with a profession that needs this assistance, it is a valuable service, and a great work for anyone who likes the satisfaction of knowing that directly brings a change in people’s lives.

Becoming a recreational therapist

There are two ways potential students can get their degree, depending on whether they are being admitted to the school as new students, or have already earned another similar major degree.

Students who are entering college for the first time and wish to become recreational therapists must obtain a 4-year bachelor’s degree from a recognized or accredited specialized program for therapeutic recreation.

Upon graduation, they will qualify for a national exam and become a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS).

Students who have already graduated from college have a similar health major and those who are interested in pursuing their degree in recreational therapy have different requirements.

Students will need to complete an additional curriculum of specific required classes for therapeutic recreation in order to receive their degree. Also, in order to qualify for this option of earning their recreational therapy degree, students must already have some capacity in a therapeutic recreational environment and work under the supervision of CTRS.

Typically, students have to complete many hours of clinical experience to earn their degree, but for those who are already working in the field these educational parts take place. In addition, it shows a certain amount of dedication in the field of recreational therapy and makes students eligible for admission.

Eligible for the job

Although these are common practices in the United States and Canada, the process of qualifying for work in a therapeutic recreation position is somewhat different.

There, recreational therapy is taught and practiced in a number of specialized areas, which means that therapists must be qualified in art therapy, music therapy, drama therapy or other similar fields.

There are individual requirements for education in each of these career paths, some with previous medical training and some not.

Overall, these programs may be enrolled in postgraduate programs and students with different postgraduate qualifications, but again, each of the different specialties has its own entrance and previous work experience requirements.

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Potential students should be aware that there are numerous certificate and diploma courses for teaching recreational therapy, but these will not qualify them for certification.

Also, since the educational requirements have recently been upgraded to a bachelor’s degree, none of the remaining associate degree programs will qualify students to be certified.

Therefore, it is very important that those who are interested in going to school for a degree in therapeutic recreation confirm their schooling status in advance.